Eric Gold's L5S1 Artificial Disc Replacement Webpage - Home

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Hi! Welcome to my misery. This website contains information about my Digenerative Disc Disease at level L5S1 and my efforts to get back to a (relatively) pain free life.

About This Site

I, like millions of others, have a bad back. In my case, it's a really bad back. In fact, I often miss work because of the pain and immobility related to my back. It effects my mood, my family, and my life in general. I pretty much can't do anything without being in pain.

This website is my story in words and pictures. It's a story still being written - I have recently (February 5, 2004) had Artifical Disc Replacement surgery in NYC at Beth Israel Medical Center. My degenerative L5S1 disc was replaced with a size 4 SB Charite III artifical disc in a 4.5 hour procedure.

I'm writing this website for two reasons - to better communicate with family and friends about my situation, and to help anyone that might be in the same situation as I am and who are looking for all the information he/she can get their hands on!

So sit back and enjoy. Please feel free to Email me with any questions you may have about my situation. You should also visit my home-away-from-home - the Back Pain Support Group WEB forum at It's a FANTASTIC resource for information on Artifical Disc Replacement stocked full of friendly, smart people most of which have been down this path already.

Thanks for visiting and best wishes for a pain free life! - your webmaster & host